Thursday, August 21, 2008

The reason of i choose the penguins for my assignment 2

I selected penguin for my assignment 2 because of the massage that I want to separate out to people is save the penguin.

During create symbol for assignment 1 I had been choose the ice melting so the assignment 2 is explain more detail about save the penguins. Because of the unstable of weather, the ice berg was start melting. And this cause the penguins and the animal that stay at Arctic regions get influence. Penguin population has slumped because of global warming as melting ice has destroyed nesting sites and reduced their sources of food. Antarctic peninsula is warming five times faster than the average in the rest of the world, affecting four penguin species the emperor penguin, the gentoo, chinstrap and Adeline

If human still haven’t square up this problem and I believe that the penguins and the animal that live at that area will start extinct

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