Thursday, July 31, 2008

The meaning of the symbol

Meaning of the symbol

Big water drop-this part is represent if the human still ignore this problem than the iceberg will no longer exist in our future world.

Hot color of iceberg-I use 3 type of color in here and this 3 type of hot color is meaning the iceberg is getting hotter.

Blue Color of iceberg-The blue color here is obviously meant that the ice is starting melt already.

The outline of the mountain-I pain the outline with white color is for send the massage to everyone said that they still can solve this kind of problem because the mountain is still cover with the ice and if everyone pay 100% in global warming this problem than this problem still can be solve.

my symbol

The tool that i use for to create my symbol

The first tool that i used to create my symbol pen tool.And the pen tool can help me to modify the curve.the second tool i used is gradients,and the major function of gradients is to soften some abstract shapes or ass shading or volume to realistic or geometric object and it can consist of a simple transition between two color.Third tool that i used is brush.Brush help me make the symbol shape more special.

Monday, July 21, 2008

the sketch of my symbol

The first sketch for my global warming symbol.
The last sketch for my symbol.And i will use the Adobe Illustrator to
create it.

The picture that i use it as a reference for create my symbol

Before i start my own symbol i take few pictures as my reference for my global warming symbol.
Below is the symbol that i use it as reference for create my own symbol.

Arctic Ice Melting Much Faster Than Predicted

Arctic Ocean sea ice is melting faster than even the most advanced climate change models predict, a new study concludes. The work, published today in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, used the models to retroactively predict sea-ice decline from 1953 to 2006.

Scientists then compared the results to what has actually been recorded by Earth-based and satellite observations during that time frame.

The team found that, on average, 18 climate models used in a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underestimated the extent of sea-ice decline by a factor of three.

"We're about 30 years ahead of what the models show," said Julienne Stroeve, lead author of the study and a researcher at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

The IPCC report projects that the Arctic Ocean will retain some ice year-round until about 2050, after which time the region will be ice-free during the summers.

(Read a related report: "Arctic Summers Ice Free by 2040, Study Predicts" [December 12, 2006].)

But the new findings mean that the ocean could lose its summer sea ice much sooner, Stroeve said.

Not Natural?

The new work is an important test of existing climate models, said Steven Running, a professor of ecology at the University of Montana who was not involved in the study.

Mapping sea ice by satellite is currently one of the best tools for measuring the effects of global warming, he said in an email.

"White ice is easily distinguished from nearly black water," in the satellite images, Running said.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

first assignment~

The first assignment for mcg project